Miracle Hair Oil to Prevent Premature Graying

posted in: How to, makeup and Beauty | 47

Ayurvedic herbs combined with coconut oil makes an effective hair oil that prevents premature graying and encourages growth.

This recipe has been shared by my friend Hansika who ran a very successful beauty parlor in Mumbai India before she got married and moved to the US. She used to make home made herbal oils and shampoos which were popular with her friends and clients. Till this day they miss her home made oils. She was kind enough to share her recipe with me so I could share with my readers.

Just sharing a picture of the two of us-She has been using this herbal hair oil for many years now and till day does not color her hair!  Me on the other hand started coloring my hair ages back! Wish I had known about the benefits of good hair care and started using this oil much earlier. You can read about the benefits of coconut oil for hair in this article by Dr Axe here.

Better late than never,is my motto. Some of my other homemade,all natural beauty products are Miracle oil for Hair Loss and Frizziness, Face Mask for Pigmentation and Sugar lemon Body Scrub.

Here is the written recipe followed by the step by step pictorial one-

Miracle Hair Oil to Prevent Premature Graying

Aanchal Gupta

Ayurvedic herbs combined with coconut oil makes an effective hair oil that prevents premature graying and encourages growth.

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes

Course Beauty

Servings 7 cups



  • 7 cups/56oz/1.86L Organic Virgin,Unrefined,Coldpressed Coconut Oil
  • 3 cups Curry Leaves washed and dried on paper towel
  • 1/2 cup Dry Amla/Indian Gooseberry
  • 1 cup Dry hibiscus flowers
  • 1/4 cup dry Methi/Fenugreek seeds



  • In a large pan heat oil.
  • Add curry leaves and when color starts changing add Amla,methi and Hibiscus flowers
  • continue to cook on medium till curry leaves turn crisp and color changes to brown
  • Leave for 12-24 hours and strain in a clean container.
  • Apply on your scalp and massage well. Leave on for a few hours before shampooing it out.
  • Apply twice a week for best results


The original recipe calls for Jatamansi,Brahmi and Bringraj along with all the other ingredients.All herbs are first boiled in water and then strained. The strained water is then cooked with coconut oil till the water evaporates. I did not have access to these herbs. I also wanted to make this oil with ingredients that are easily available, and was also easy to make,so more people can benefit from it. I preferred to use dry Amla and hibiscus as the cooking time is less and there is no moisture in the oil. If using fresh,cook the Amla and Hibiscus till completely browned. This oil has a shelf life of almost a year.

Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Here is the step by step pictorial recipe-


In a pan heat oil

Add curry leaves

 After few minutes,add dry Hibiscus flowers and dry Amla(Indian Gooseberry)

Add Methi/fenugreek seeds

Continue to cook till curry leaves turn brown. remove from heat and leave overnight or 12 hours

Strain the oil

Massage on scalp,twice a week for best results

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47 Responses

    • Aanchal Gupta

      Hi Jane, thanks a lot for your feedback. I am so happy to know that the oil was so effective and has made your hair thicker and darker.

  1. Ksood

    Hi thanks for posting such an amazing recipe of this oil. Is there a way to overcome the smell of kadi patta.

    • Aanchal Gupta

      Thanks for the appreciation, there is no way to overcome the smell of curry leaves. That is an important ingredient in the oil.

  2. ISRAR

    if i have not able to find hibiscus flower… what i use place of

    • Aanchal Gupta

      Hi Israr,Dry hibiscus flowers are available on Amazon. It’s a very effective oil even if you are not able to find hibiscus flowers. Increase the other ingredients by a bit to make up for the lack of the flowers.

    • Mamta

      Mam can i knw how much tym I’ll it take to convert white roots into black

      • Aanchal Gupta

        Hi Mamta, this oil doesn’t turn your white roots to black. It’s not a dye or color. It’s meant to prevent hair from turning gray by using it regularly.

  3. raychel

    Do i have to was this out ? was looking to use daily to help with growth

    • Aanchal Gupta

      Hi Raychel, I do wash it out, but there is no harm in leaving it on and using on a daily basis. There are no chemicals or harmful ingredients, so it’s perfectly safe to use regularly.

    • Aanchal Gupta

      Yes you can. I am planning to make a oil with onion this week. It’s beneficial, so go ahead.

  4. Pushpa

    I am going to try this. My son is 15 years old and lot.of.his hair are grey. I don’t know how to reverse it. In how many days do you think we can expect results out of this oil. Also I heard onion paste is very good for reversing grey hair. Is it possible to try oil twice a week and onion paste in rest of days??

    Please guide

    • Aanchal Gupta

      Hi Pushpa, sorry to hear you son is dealing with gray hair at such a young age. This oil is more for prevention rather than reversal of gray hair. It’s an all natural oil, so you can use it as often as you like- no side effects. Onion juice is very effective, so definitely try it out. I am making a hair oil with onions, so please check back in a few days.

  5. kerri white

    Hi, I think I cooked it too long will that mess with the effectiveness of the recipe?

    Thank you

    • Aanchal Gupta

      Hi Swetha, are you going to add Brahmi and Bhringraj in powder form?

      • Book Worm

        Hi there – Thanks a lot for this recipe. Before I found your recipe, I was using a version of the oil minus the hibiscus and adding kalonji.
        I am interested in the part where you mentioned brahmi, bringraj and jatamansi as well.
        Can you share how to include these in this oil recipe – I will be using the leaves. Do I add these in the oil and let it cook as well? If yes, what is the quantity of each?

  6. Neha Sharma

    Can I also add aloe vera in the coconut oil and fresh hibiscus flower instead of dry???
    Is this oil good for dandruff as I am suffering from a serious dandruff problem from last two months and tried every anti dandruff shampoo and home remedies but still i can’t get rid of dandruff!!!
    please suggest me..

  7. Book Worm

    Hi there – I had posted a reply to an above comment a couple days back but it seems to have disappeared. Can you share how to include brahmi, bhrinraj and jatamansi in this recipe as well. I plan to use the leaves for these additional ingredients. Thanks

    • Aanchal Gupta

      Hi Grisma, I keep for a couple of hours. You can keep longer if you want, it’s all natural so it’s not harmful if you keep longer

    • Aanchal Gupta

      I keep oil in my hair for a couple of hours. It’s all natural so it’s not going to harm your hair even if you keep it a little longer

  8. Bonnie Sutherland

    We have 2 types of hibiscus. Which one did you use? There’s hibiscus the flower and karkade which is also called hibiscus. Thank you.

  9. Garima

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I read read your website and it inspired me to make the hibiscus hair oil for hair growth and hair fall. I wanted to know if we can use dried hibiscus powder that we get on amazon and heat in the coconut oil instead of putting fresh flowers , making a paste of it and then heating in coconut oil.

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you.

    • Aanchal Gupta

      Hi Garima, thanks! I have used dried hibiscus flowers from Amazon. Please don’t buy powder, it will leave a residue, can burn and settle at the bottom. Pieces are easy to cook in coconut oil and strain.

  10. Sharon

    Thanks for the amazing recipe dear.May I know how often should I use this oil to prevent greying like Hansika. Please let me know as I want to follow.

    • Aanchal Gupta

      Thanks Sharon, I would suggest twice a week for sure. This is an all natural recipe, so there are no side effects. You can use as often as you like

  11. Tanvijindal

    My hair strength is very slow.. they have same length from years..My age is 17…will it help? please rply

    • Aanchal Gupta

      Hi Tanvi,this oil definitely helps with growth. I would also recommend a diet full of vegetables and fruits and getting your hair trimmed regularly. I hope that helps.

  12. Charms

    Thank you for sharing this recipe. Can I use amla powder instead of Dried amla? I can’t find dry amla even in Indian Groceries here

    • Aanchal Gupta

      Welcome and thanks for the appreciation. You can use Amla powder, it might leave a residue behind while straining.

  13. Charms

    Thank you for sharing this recipe. Can I use amla powder instead of dried amla? I can’t seem to find dried amla even in Indian groceries.

    • Aanchal Gupta

      Hi, you can use powdered amla. It will leave a residue behind when you strain it. Please look on Amazon, thats where i buy the dried amla.

  14. Anjani

    I wanted to make this hair oil for myself but I don’t have access to fresh hibiscus flower, curry leaves, amla, brahmi and bhringraj but I do have powdered form of those. Can I used powdered form in making this oil? If so, should I directly mix it with oil and cook it?

    • Aanchal Gupta

      Hi Anjani, Dry hibiscus flowers, amla and curry leaves are all perfectly fine to use(I buy the dried amla and hibiscus on Amazon) but powdered form can will leave a residue behind and will be gritty to use.

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