How to lose weight while watching TV and I don’t mean on the treadmill

posted in: Fitness | 4

How many times have you thought that today is the day that I am going to start going for my walk or finally go to the gym where I have been paying my monthly dues but not going. You know you want to be fit, you make all the right choices, you count calories, you eat the right things, and everyday you promise yourself that today is the day. Yet between job, kids, household chores, the end of the day rolls around and you are just too tired. You want to sit on the couch in you PJs and watch your favorite show, or the DVR has recorded the movie that you have been wanting to watch or the Oscars are on and you just cant miss it.  You have a little conversation in your head and try to convince yourself , Its been a long day, I just want to watch some TV , this is my time and I deserve to relax. So today yet one more time, in spite of the promise to yourself that you would start your walk, you cave in.

I was in the same boat a few years back. I had started making excuses-it’s too hot, its raining, its cold, I don’t feel like getting ready and going out, my child needs help with her homework, dinner needs to be prepared. These were all legitimate reasons. I started looking at all the issues, practically. So if it’s too hot, rainy or cold outside then obviously you don’t want to be outside walking. Then you might suggest, go to the gym, its air-conditioned! That brought me to my second excuse-I don’t feel like getting into my gym clothes and going out. Plus, I am short on time, I just got back from work and my child needs help with homework and I still have to get dinner on the table. Driving back and forth from the gym is time that could easily be spent with my child at home.

My solution to all these issues… Why not walk inside my own home, in my pyjamas, while overseeing my daughter do her homework while the dinner simmered on the stove top and I could stir it occasionally, while I watched my favorite show on TV!!  So I was actually killing two birds with one stone or rather many birds with one stone..LOL  All I needed was a little bit of hallway space and some good sneakers and I was on my way to fitness.

So This is what I started doing, I would unwind, wear my sneakers,start dinner, get my daughter on the dining table to do her homework, turn on the TV and set the timer for an hour and start walking in the hallway,in my house!!!  That’s it, no excuses! Things have changed now, my daughter doesn’t need help with school work anymore but the rest has remained the same. I still walk inside my house and catch up on my news or Indian TV shows and have kept my weight off for almost 15 years now.

Happy Walking!

This is not meant to be fitness advise. What worked for me may not work for others. Please consult with your physician before starting any fitness regime.

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4 Responses

  1. Rashmi

    I also have been doing this Hallway walking for the past 6 months and believe me, It has become a way of my life without doing any other exercises.

    • Aanchal Gupta

      Hi Rashmi, This is such a good form of exercise, no more excuses! I have been doing it for years now!

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