Homemade Yogurt 101-with exact temperature and step by step pictures

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I have struggled with making Yogurt at home for last 20 years, since I came to the US. Back home, you don’t even think that there is any technicality involved in setting yogurt. Its just something that is made in every home, everyday and comes out perfect every time! So something as simple as yogurt, had become a challenge here. Maybe its the climate, or the milk that is available here(pre packaged in a gallon size container), unlike fresh, raw milk that till today is delivered at home by a milkman.

yogurt set perfect 2 tbsp

Many friends  taught, gave tips and shared their yogurt started or culture but it just never seemed right. Either the temperature of the milk was not right, or the culture/starter was too much, which made the yogurt too sour or it was too little and it would not set for days after which it would look gross and I would chuck it into the trash. Frustrated, I would go and buy a container of yogurt from the store.

Talking about yogurt culture, reminds me of my friend Dolly, who had come to US a few months before me. Our husbands worked at the same company in India and both went to the same university for their Masters degree. In those days, calling from the US to India was about $2.50 a minute and there was no Facebook, Whatsapp or any social media. We used to communicate by letters! Yes, I know, it seems like such an outdated concept now!  Anyways, getting back to my story about the yogurt culture, I was getting ready to join my husband in the US and I asked Dolly in one of my letters if I could get her anything from India. She asked me to get her some Yogurt culture from back home! And I did!

Since climate and milk are out of our hands, we could play around with the temperature of the milk and make sure that is the right temperature each time. So how are we going to make sure that the temperature is just right for us to add the culture to set firm yogurt-we are going to use a thermometer!!!!!  Did I say it was Yogurt 101!  Meat thermometers are cheap and easily available in all stores. If the trick is in the temperature, then why not experiment and figure out the right temperature and take the guesswork out.

So experiment I did! I used two different temperatures, first time I tried with 120 F and second time with 130 F. The culture amount was the same for both. At 120 F, I felt the yogurt next morning was a little loose, whereas at 130 F it was more solid. Will share below pictures of yogurt set at both temperature.

Indians love yogurt or dahi as we like to call it, with our food. We either like plain dahi with salt, red chili powder and roasted ground cumin or in different variations of Raita which is whisked yogurt with some grated or chopped vegetable. During summer months we love to drink Lassi ,either with salt or sugar, which is nothing but yogurt which has been diluted and whisked with water. It makes an excellent,cool summer drink!

homemade yogurt (8)

Because the climate in India is hot and humid, yogurt is a natural addition to our diet. Its cooling properties help to cope with the heat and the addition of salt generally helps to recoup the essential salts lost through sweating. Yogurt cools the palate after a spicy meal and how can we not mention the effects of the healthy bacteria and probiotics that do wonders for the digestive flora.


The advantages to making yogurt at home are-No additives or preservatives. I have always wondered why store-bought yogurt never turns sour even after its past its expiration date, but the homemade one will turn sour after a week or 10 days, as it should!  What is added to the yogurt that gives it such a long shelf life!

If you have bought Organic Yogurt from the store, you have probably paid $6 or more for a 32 oz container, at home the cost is about $2 for the same amount! Its definitely cheaper.

By choosing the correct temperature, we are also making sure we are not killing the live bacteria by exposing it to high heat. that is so important!

So what are we waiting for, lets set some yogurt today.

Homemade Yogurt 101-with exact temperature and step by step pictures



  • 6 cups Milk 2% or Full Fat Whole Milk. I used 2% Organic Milk
  • 1 tbsp plus 1 tsp Starter or culture



  • Boil Milk in a LARGE heavy bottom pot as the milk might overflow when boiled. Stir occasionally to prevent it from burning at the bottom.
  • Bring to a fell boil. At this time the thermometer should read 200F.
  • Move from stovetop and let it cool.
  • When milk cools down and shows a temperature reading of 130F, add the yogurt culture.
  • Whisk it really well till frothy on top.
  • Wrap in a clean towel and keep in OVEN, WITH OVEN LIGHT ON, OVERNIGHT
  • Do not disturb.
  • Next morning you should get perfectly set yogurt.
  • Store in refrigerator and serve cold.

Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!




Here is the step by step pictorial recipe


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